45 degrees posterior seated cable side bends to seated cable side bends to 45 de…

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45 degrees posterior seated cable side bends to seated cable side bends to 45 degrees anterior cable side bends to unilateral abdominal cable crunch – my go to routine to combine a unilateral oblique and abdominal workout.
I prefer seated when performing this exercise to be able to manage the angles of my torso in relation to my hips that is serving as the axis.
I use a single cable pulley with resistance coming from the top-opposite side of my orientation. I position my arms as if going for an abdominal pose, elbows pointed up high with head as straight as I possibly could. I use the tip of my elbow as a guide for all the angles of this exercise. First, with hips facing forward, I start side bending and twisting towards the back on a 45 degree angle for 10 reps. Then I switch to perform regular side bends for 10 reps. Thirdly, I abduct the ipsilateral leg at a 45 degree angle using my knee as a guide for the mid-anterior side bends also for 10 reps. Lastly, I position my legs at a 90 degree angle to perform unilateral crunches for the final 10 reps with my elbow aiming just inside the knee to focus the resistance on the abs.
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