Rotator Cuff Exercise I recommend this warm up routine before pursuing any ’pus…


Rotator Cuff Exercise

I recommend this warm up routine before pursuing any ’push’ work out. Rotator cuff comprises of supraspinatus – abd, teres minor – ER/add, infraspinatus -ER and subscapularis – IR/ext. They are a small bunch of muscles that can easily be subjected to wear and tear especially with constant flexion and abduction that we require in most upper body lifts. To improve them is to strengthen them at their function thereby preventing injuries. Stabilize the torso using the inclined bench. The lower the set-up on the bench, the harder and more challenging it will get. With the weight plate on both hands, I position my arms with both shoulders abducted at 90 degrees if possible and the elbows bent at 90 degrees as well. Imagine a scarecrow pose. The idea is to initially contract the shoulders and trapesiuz isometrically then actively bring the plate in front of your face towards the back of your head. The key is to hold the second isometric contraction at the end of the range for at least 2 seconds before going back to the starting position. Light weight would activate the rotator cuff better than heavier weight so as not to facilitate synergistic dominance by the deltoids. Keep the resistance close to your face( few inches), this makes sure the shoulders and the elbows are in proper position.



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